"that you write for rollingstone.com is my testimonial!"
Bill Crandall
Editor, Rolling Stone.com
"An editor's dream -- great ideas, clean copy, never
misses deadline"
Christy Goldfinch
Former Music Editor, Fort Worth Weekly
"PJ is a storm of ideas. Every time I sat down in a meeting to go through pitches, she had her
two cents in the well -- she frequently submitted ideas we could use, even if we couldn't get them in the mag right
then and there. And when a pitch came in a little off target, she was willing to listen to our needs at the magazine and retool
as needed. Humor and wit were never problems, though. "
Tyler Gray -Staff Writer/Editor, Drill Magazine
'"I found PJ easy to deal with, helpful and was pleased with her work. I am, however, jealous that
she lives in New York."
Rod Stanley, Editor, SLANT Magazine (UK)